• Tanjung Jati B Coal Fired Power Plant, Jepara, Indonesia


Ethics Hotline (by appointed independent party):
Direct Website: https://idn.deloitte-halo.com/lapor-medcoenergi/
Hotline Email: lapor-medcoenergi@tipoffs.com.sg
Hotline Phone: 0800-150-3020
Text Messages (SMS) & WhatsApp Messenger: (+62) 813-8870- 3300
Hotline Phone: 1800-010-316
Text Messages (SMS): (+66) 65986 1887
WhatsApp Messenger: (+62) 813-8870-3300

Hotline Phone: 0800-150-3020
Text Messages (SMS) & WhatsApp Messenger: (+62) 813-8870- 3300
Hotline Phone: 80074565
Text Messages (SMS) : (+27) 72 014 4445
WhatsApp Messenger: (+62) 813-8870-3300

Our Company’s commitment in upholding the highest ethical standard means all of individuals who work for MedcoEnergi share the responsibility to speak up whenever having concern or suspected violation to the Company's Code of Conduct, the applicable Company’s policies, laws, and regulations. Also to ensure that all of our stakeholders, including those who work with us to have a reliable channel to report these matters.

Our Whistleblowing Channels are established for internal (Internal Ethics Hotline) and external stakeholders (External Ethics Hotline), including reporting with anonymity. MedcoEnergi takes potential violation reports and possible misconduct seriously, and does not tolerate any kind of retaliation. Every potential violation report will be treated with confidentiality and will be validated as per the applied laws and Company policies.