Open Tender Lot 5 (Update 6 Maret 2013)
Tender Notice
Tanjung Jati B Coal Fired 2 X 660 MW Power
Station situated at Desa Tubanan, Kecamatan Kembang, Kabupaten Jepara, Central
Java is Operated & Maintained by PT. TJB Power Services.
PT. TJB Power Services are looking for
qualified vendors to the following services for the year 2013 :
1. Supply of spare part for
Mechanical/Electrical/C&I equipments.
2. Equipments Repair, Maintainance services
& Civil Works.
3. Long term service agreement.
4. Engineering and modification of the plant
& equipment.
Interested vendors are requested to register
with PT. TJB Power Services. Those who are already registered with PT. TJB
Power Services are once again requested to register as this is required to be
processed by PLN. The following document must be submitted together with your
company profile.
Vendor Registration :
1. SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha- Perdagangan)/Trade
Permit Certificate issued by ministry of trade.
2. Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP)(Registered
company license )and Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) (Company Tax registration
3. Akte Pendirian Perusahaan (Company
certificate license) .
4. Valid Statement of Tax Payment for the
previous year (SPT Tahunan 1771 Tahun terakhir, SSP Tahun Terakhir& Buktl
Penerlmaan Surat Setoran Pajak Tahun Terakhir) .
5. Last Year's Financial Statement approved by
Public Accountant and a statement that in the past five years company has been
making financial statements.
6. Valid Statement of Tax Payment for the
previous five years (SPT Tahunan 1771 Tahun terakhir, SSP Tahun Terakhir &
Butcti Penerlmaan Surat Setoran Pajak Tahun Terakhir) .
7. Vendors experiences with similar
works/services (min. 5 years) with copy of min 5 customers PO attached.
8. Vendors who have a local agent for after
sales/ services of their goods.
9. Principal/OEM guarantee letter for the
product being offered.
All the above required documents shall be
address to:
UNIT 1 & 2 Tanjung Jati B Power Plant
Ds. Tubanan, Kec. Kembang
Jepara 59453 Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Phone : (0291) 771566 Fax : (0291) 772119
Attention. Station Manager
Or by e-mail address to
Tentative Bidding Schedule
Announcement on News Paper
: 6 Maret 2013
Registration Period
: 7 Maret 2013 -
14 Maret 2013
Bid Participant Evaluation
: 19 Maret 2013
Invitation to Collect Bid Document : 21
Maret 2013
Prebid Meeting
9 April 2013
Closing Date 1st Envelope
: 17 April 2013
Tender List:
Note :
TJB-PC-8283/8392/10494/8398/11669/11818/12206/11978 require Original
OEM/Authorized Distributor and or Agent supporting letter for the product/
brand being offered.
Any trader (Overseas/Local) supporting letter
will not be accepted for bid evaluation and will automatically result to the
disqualification of vendor's proposal
Local agent is the agent of particular product
and has certification issued by ministry of trade “Deperindag”